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“The Second Crimean War - Bohdan’s Army” is the first volume in a series by “The Doodler”. Set in the Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, in an alternate 1995, this is a story of civil war, terrorism, revolution and some of the most disgusting sausages on the planet. In the midst of this mayhem a young girl named Yana finds herself alone to face the dangers of a lawless country. Armed only with her father's shotgun, she struggles to survive until the day she can be reunited with her family. 



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“The Second Crimean War - Taking It To The Streets” is the second volume in the exciting series by “The Doodler”. All alternative history set in the Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union. The story gets more interesting as Yana finds friendship among a ragtag band led by Colonel Iaroslav Romanovych. Complicating matters is Bohdan, the charismatic leader of a growing insurgent group committed to restoring the former glory of the Ukraine…. free of all but pure Ukrainians.



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“The Ghost In Grace Houston’s House” by Mae Carol Brown is a short story based on an actual haunting that took place in a small town in North Carolina. The time is the mid-1960s and the story is related by Grace Houston; a bold woman who didn’t believe in ghosts until the day they moved in. The author is invited for coffee one evening and the story is revealed in a quaint fashion of two women talking and sharing coffee and cake.


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